Study Types
There are 13 different study types available, each generating a list of specific astronomical or astrological events. Every event will include at least one date/time and a corresponding body position. Here's a brief overview of each study type:
- Planetary Aspects: Generates events when bodies form longitudinal aspects with each other.
- Natal Aspects: Generates events when transiting bodies form longitudinal aspects to natal body positions.
- Planetary Parallels: Generates events when bodies form parallel and contra-parallel aspects to one another.
- Natal Parallels: Generates events when transiting bodies form parallel or contraparallel aspects to natal body positions.
- Planetary Stations: Generates events when bodies station retrograde and/or direct.
- Retrograde Cycles: Generates events when bodies station retrograde. Event data includes the exact times, locations and time periods for the retrograde station, direct station and when the body leaves the shadow zone.
- Hotspot Transits: Generates events when bodies form longitudinal aspects to fixed longitudinal degrees on the zodiac (hotspots).
- Speed Extrema: Generates events when bodies reach maximum or minimum longitudinal speeds.
- Planetary Intervals: Generates events when bodies have traveled multiples of an interval that is specified in degrees of longitude.
- Nodal Transits: Generates events when bodies transit their ascending or descending nodes.
- Latitude Extrema: Generates events when bodies reach minima or maxima in latitude/declination.
- Solar Eclipses: Generates events when solar ecliplses occur.
- Lunar Eclipses: Generates events when lunar eclipses occur.
These study types allow for a wide variety of event tracking and analysis in both astronomical and astrological contexts.