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Study Parameters

Robert Gordon is the central character in W.D. Gann's novel 'The Tunnel Thru The Air or Looking Back From 1940.' We're going to create a list of aspects that transiting planets form with the planets in Robert Gordon's birth chart. To proceed, we need to rename the study to reflect this purpose and enter Robert Gordon's birth date and time.

The study parameter values for Robert Gordon The Natal Aspects study parameter values for Robert Gordon

Next we'll select Mercury through to Neptune in the list of transiting bodies and the Moon through to Neptune in the list of natal bodies.

Body selections for the Natal Aspects study Body selections for the Natal Aspects study

The last thing we need to set up is the list of aspects we're interested in. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the 'Aspects' tab.
  2. Either manually type in the aspects you want to include or use the preset menu to apply aspects that you've previously saved as a preset.

This will finalize the settings and allow you to proceed with the study.

Entering the list of aspects Entering the list of aspects for the Natal Aspects study